2010: Analyse der Österreichischen Vorschlagsliste zum UNESCO Weltererbe zusammen mit HisGIS
2008-2009: F+E-Vorhaben "Nomination [UNESCO] World Heritage of Nature Beech Forests (FKZ 3508 81 0700)" (Management- and Monitoringchapter Nomination dossier and trilaterale Management (Germany, Ukraine, Slovakia) on behalf of BfN (German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation) in cooperation with the German Federal ministry for the Environment (BMU) and the related Countries
2008: Audit Bregenzer Wald (Österreich) a proposal as UNESCO Cultural landscape in cooperation with HisGIS; executive summary is available.
seit 2007: EucaLand-Project: European Culture expressed in Agricultural Landscapes, funded by EC-Program Culture2007-2013; Project book will be published in 2010 (see publications)
2007: Concept towards experience Nature and Landscape at the German Fehnroute in cooperation with TourNatur
2006: Via Romana am Rhein, Spuren der Römer in der Geschichte - Beschreibung der Kulturlandschaft im Auftrag des LVR; homonymous book available (book-trade)
Since 2005: Assembling of the EucaLand-Network with several working meetings and speeches
2005: Facilitator BfN-Workshops „World Natural Heritage and Cultural Landscapes in Europe: First seminar: The Potential of Europe's World Natural Heritage“ International Akademie for Nature Protection Isle Vilm
2004: F & E-Project on behalf of BMU and BfN „Screening of potentiel Natur sites for the UNESCO-World Heritage Convention“ (FKZ 804 82 026) in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Harald Plachter, University of Marburg
2003: Lecturer on several seminars for further education „Qualification as guide for cultural landscaps“ Bund für Heimat und Umwelt together with the academie for Nature- and Environment NRW
2003: Leader of the Working Group „Historical Landscape Research“ further education „Guides for Nature and Landscape“ von ALR und ANU in S-H
2002: Project draft on a Limes Cycling Path from Germany to the Netherlands with connection to the Hadrian’s Wall (UK) on behalf of Landschaftsverbandes Rheinland
2001: „Development and Defining of standard methods in nature protection“ common Research project of BfN and University of Marburg, FB Biology; (F&E FKZ 808 01135)
2001: „Business and Education for the topic Care of Cultural landscapes“ 22. – 23. November – Organiser of the Expert Workshop at the University of Bonn in Cooperation with AG Angewandte Historische Geographie.
2000: Organiser of the conference "Kulturlandschaftsforschung und Umweltplanung" in cooperation with FH Göttingen and AG Angewandte Historische Geographie
2000: Consulting of Bergamt Stralsund – among others: Organisation and participatory planning on behalf of BSL-Managementberatung, Bergheim
1999: Thesis on the cultural landscape, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Title: "Beitrag der historischen Kulturlandschaft für aktuelle Fragen des Naturschutzes (Contribution of the historical landscape for recent questions in the field of nature protection"
1999: Presentation of a concept for establishing a register of cultural landscapesin the LSE-area Barmstedt within the faciliator process
1999: Urbanistic competition on ideas: Nursery (garden) of the castle Schwerin in cooperation with the architects Hempe and Wieder, Kiel
1998-1999: Expertises on behalf of Landesnaturschutzverband, §29 BNschG
1998: Contribution for the planning book "Historical Culturlal Landscapes in Schleswig-Holstein" Ministry for Environment, Nature protection and Forestry Schleswig-Holstein.
1994-1998: Historical analysis of the cultural landscape of the Biosphere reserve Schorfheide-Chorin within the great project "Naturschutz in der offenen agrar genutzten Kulturlandschaft (Nature protection within the open agricultural landscape"
1996-1998: Lead of the project group "Historical Analysis of the Cultural Landscape" within the study n des Praktikums "Landschaftsplanung in der Agrarlandschaft" (Christian-Albrechts-Universität) in Baden-Württemberg, Schleswig-Holstein und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
1996-1999: Several lectures, among others at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Boston (USA)
1994: Expertise on behalf of the Chamber for Agriculture Schleswig-Holstein for the European Community: "Ecological consequences of winter rapeseed production on abandonnend fields compared to fallow fields"
1994: Mapping of biotop typs in the commune of Borstel-Hohenraden on behalf of the Kiel Institute of Landscape Ecology.
1994: Mapping of biotop typs in the commune of Finkenwerder on behalf of the Kiel Institute of Landscape Ecology.