... Landscape!

Das Büro für Landschaft & Service makes registers of cultural landscapes or their elements - as well for recent as for historical landscapes. The aim is to protect and to esteem of the land that surrounds us. With registers of cultural landscapes we create a new way, which brings the actors out of the fields of tourism, agriculture and nature protection together. Attending mixed working groups guarantee the municipalities and circles as clients an extensive say and planning law.

In Germany historical elements of the cultural landscape are protected by law (e.g. § 2 BNatSchG, § 1 (2) DSchG), they are part of the conservation mandate. In many European countries we find comparable situations.

registers of cultural landscapes...

  • collect and document important culture landscape elements in a region


  • is an important element of future planning.
  • contribute to the identification of the population with "their" region and strengthen thus the rural structures.
  • supply bases for concepts of the "smooth" tourism'.
  • supply components for the development of regional brands and marketing.
  • can reduce costs of future plannings (unification and/or. collection of interdisciplinary usable data).
  • obtain understanding over coming off the today's landscape, over past restaurant ways and their influences on landscape, landscape and way of living

The Büro für Landschaft & Service takes over expertises corresponding to the "Runderlass des Ministeriums für Städtebau und Wohnen, Kultur und Sport NRW II A1-901.34 und des Ministeriums für Umwelt und Naturschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz III-7-611.40.10.01 vom 26.03.2004."

Further Achievements...


·         Suggestions for tourism planning including results of cultural landscape research

·         Development of cycling and walking pathes and/or exhibitions with cultural landscape didactic (route planning, handbook, text editorship for boards and booklet, illustrating)

·         Writing of regional biographies – in order to create and stress the peoples identification with their region as well as for tourism

·         Evaluate existing elements of the cultural landscape regarding to

o        rareness

o        impact (regional, national)

o        interaction with other disciplines

o        conservation / protection, maintenance, development

o        potential of development

·         proposals for sufficient consideration of cultural landscape elements during plannings on different planning levels

·         ecological expertises

·         project lead and attendance in the field of culture landscapes

References in the field of "Landscape"