... the bureau!

Since 1999 successful in every topic between Cultural Landscapes and Natural Landscapes

In the field of "Landscape" we do

  • Expertises and Reports on Cultural Landscapes and related questions
  • Registers on Culural Landscapes as well as parts and elements of Cultural Landscapes
  • Concepts and ideas for cycling and walking pathes for discovering natural and cultural landscapes
  • Descriptions of (historical) Landscapes
  • Expertises and Reports on questions in nature protection


In the field of "Service" we do

  • Expert advise in all questions about UNESCO-Worldheritage
  • Organisation of expertmeetings and -hearings
  • Consulting in the conflict area "Cultural-(Agrarian)-Landscapes and Nature protection"
  • Moderation of Planning- and Monitoringprocesses


Individual consultance, professional achievment of all projects on schedule is understood. Workings languages: German and English

The Büro für Landschaft & Service is part of a professional network. We cooperate according to the project with well established agencies and bureaus in the fields of Biology, Landscapeplanning, Forestry, Arcitectur and Management Consultancy– as well as with several Universities

The Büro für Landschaft & Service is looking forward to your project!

The Büro für Landschaft & Service is founding member of Civilscape, Deutsches Forum Kulturlandschaft, Deutsches Forum Landschaftsforschung, and of course of the EucaLand network.